Introduction to antique cut stones
If you’re newer to antique & vintage jewelry, some terms we often use to describe stone cuts may be unfamiliar to you, as they're different from the ones used in modern jewelry. These antique stones were cut and polished by hand, and as technology advanced, stone cuts slowly became more precise, symmetrical, and engineered for maximum brilliance. To us, there’s a certain charm and romance in the asymmetry and imperfections of antique stones, and the unique ways in which they sparkle. We’ll start with a few of the cuts we see the most: rose cut, old mine cut, old European cut, and single cut. While we’re generally referring to diamonds, other gemstones were cut like this too!
Let’s start off with some terminology we use when referring to different parts of a stone:

1. Facet
The “faces” of a stone, each plane where a cut has been made.
2 & 3. Crown & Pavilion
Imagine a gemstone in two halves - the top half is known as the crown, and the bottom half is the pavilion.
4. Culet
Look at the bottom of the pavilion of an antique stone, and you’ll find the culet. This extra facet was eventually phased out in modern stone cutting, so modern cut stones usually have a point at the bottom.

Rose cut (1600s - )
The oldest cut- with an entirely flat bottom, with facets cut in a dome, and perhaps the one with the most longevity, as modern designers continue to use the cut. Rose cuts come in all shapes, and the older ones are generally very rough circles, becoming closer to a circle over time as technology improved. Early rose cuts also have much rougher and less symmetrical facets compared to later cut stones.

Old mine cut diamond in an antique Victorian ring (c. 1860-90), with smaller rose cut diamonds
Old mine cut (1800s - early 1900s)
Chunky and charming, old mine cuts have a higher crown, an open culet, and off-round, cushion-y shapes. The name begs the question, “Which mines are the old ones?” We're usually talking about mines in Brazil or India– before more diamonds were being mined across the African continent. They usually have 58 facets. These stones have so much personality and uniqueness due to their rougher, less perfected shapes.
At the end of the 19th century, the transition began from old mine to old European cuts. However, old mine cuts were still used into the 1930s and 40s- as during World War I, diamond cutting and trading wasn’t exactly a priority, and a decade later, the Great Depression meant a lot of family diamonds were reused.

Unmounted old European cut diamond
Old European cut (late 1800s - mid 1900s)
The mother of the modern round brilliant, still with 58 facets. When looking at stones from the beginning of the 20th century to the mid 20th century, the evolution is clear: the shape evolved towards a perfect circle, the facets became more symmetrical, the crown lowered, and the culet shrank until it eventually completely disappeared. There isn't a clear defining line between an old mine and an old European cut diamond, as the terms reflect different points along the timeline of technology. We usually refer to more circular diamonds as old European cuts, while more cushion-shaped stones are called old mines.

Single cut diamonds set under an emerald cabochon, Art Deco ring c. 1920-30
Single cut (1800s - mid 1900s)
Used for smaller accent diamonds, single cut stones have less facets compared to full cut stones (57 or more facets), as the technology wasn’t there to cut so many facets on tiny diamonds. They can be cut with a culet, or without, and over time they evolved from being like old mine cuts with less facets to the modern round brilliant. Towards the later half of the 20th century, even the tiniest stones could be cut with a full 57 facets, and single cuts fell out of fashion.